Student Pricing
An annual registration fee of $40 is charged on commencement of classes in order to cover insurance, administration and music licensing costs.
Fees are for a 10 Week term and inclusive of GST.
30min Class | 45min Class | 60min Class |
$175 / 10 week term | $205 / 10 week term | $235 / 10 week term |
Payment is not required until enrolment is completed and invoices are created.
Trial Classes
Trial classes can only be taken where there is room in a class. Trial classes are limited to one trial per class/style and then a class must be enrolled in on a term basis.
per class
Class Discounts
4-5 = 10%
6 = 15%
7 Classes or more = 20%
Mid-term Enrolments:
If there is room in a class mid-term enrolments will be accepted, fees will be charged pro-rata for the remainder of the term and fees must be paid on receiving of an invoice – prior to class commencement.
Any dancer found to be attending classes without paying their tuition fees will be charged a $20 penalty fee to cover administration costs. If invoices are late by over 3 months and K2Dance efforts to recover the funds are not engaged with, invoices will have a 33% debt collection fee added to them and will be sent to a debt collection service.
K2Dance has a compulsory uniform for all students from Under 7’s to Open Extension levels. For all Contemporary classes, knee pads are also encouraged. K2Dance uniforms are all quality products and are available at the studios. At the Adult and Tiny Tots levels students are encouraged to wear their own appropriate dancewear.
Annual Concert:
For students participating in the annual concert a $50 (per individual performing student) concert fee is charged. This includes a link to a digital live stream of the show and covers additional rehearsals and staffing costs for concerts.
Direct Debit:
K2Dance now offers a direct debit option for invoices to be paid in installments (through Payrix – formally known as IntegraPay). If you would like to sign up for our Direct Debit option please email info@k2dance.com.au and we will send you a link to complete. Direct debits are set up for an invoice to be paid in fortnightly installments across the term. Please note there are fees charged by Payrix for this service.
Important Information:
All products of K2Dance including, music, routines, and costumes remain the property of K2Dance and cannot be replicated.
K2Dance will not be held responsible for any injuries which may occur whilst in class or on the premises but will seek medical attention for your child immediately if needed. I understand to provide adequate dance tuition it is necessary for dance teachers to guide student movement, which may require physical contact. I agree with these terms and conditions. I agree term fees and enrolment fees will be paid by the invoice date and that there are NO REFUNDS on any payment of term fees or costume hire/purchase. If term fees are not paid prior to the outlined period the child will be unable to attend class unless the parent has made suitable arrangements with the Directors to organise payment. By signing this form you are giving consent for K2Dance to use photographs and/or video footage of the dance student for promotional purposes e.g. website, social media, newspapers, events, or shopping centres. Please be aware that K2Dance has the right to sell videos of students who participate in the end-of-year concert and group photos. During the period of participation within K2Dance, it is the responsibility of the guardian or student to advise K2Dance if personal circumstances/information change.
If due to Government regulations or an outbreak we are required to shut down or run smaller classes at our physical studios and are unable to deliver these classes in person, classes may be delivered in an on-line format or made-up at a later date.